Electric 9V Battery Box Small Assembly is a LEGO piece that appeared in the Spider Slayer , Blackmobile with motor , SP-Striker , Alpha Centauri Outpost , Spyder Slayer , Hover Sub with motor , 9V Battery Box and 3 other sets.
This part currently has a value of $28.89 based on average sale price over the last 6 months.
The Electric 9V Battery Box Small Assembly LEGO piece has been produced in 4 colours. The most valuable colour is White which has a value of $36.82 and the least valuable is Red which has a value of $25.51.
The Electric 9V Battery Box Small Assembly LEGO piece has been produced in 4 colours. The most common colour is Black which has been included in 10 sets and the least common is Yellow which has been included in 1 sets.
This piece appears in 10 sets
Name: Electric 9V Battery Box Small Assembly
Appears in: 10 sets
Bricklink code: 4760c01
Confidence: High
Current value: $28.89