| pln015 | Town | Price history |
| pln086 | Town | Price history |
| pln088 | Town | Price history |
| pln179 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| mmf005 | Train | Price history |
| pln037 | Town | Price history |
| con013 | Town | Price history |
| con004 | Town | Price history |
| pln009 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| pln093 | Sports | Price history |
| pln020 | Train | Price history |
| pln141 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| trn110 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| pln108 | Homemaker | Price history |
| pln108s | Homemaker | Price history |
| pln089 | Town | Price history |
| pln178 | Promotional | Price history |
| pln178s | Promotional | Price history |
| pln061 | Train | Price history |
| pln076 | Town | Price history |
| pln085 | Train | Price history |
| pln028 | Town | Price history |
| pln032 | Town | Price history |
| pln064 | Train | Price history |
| pln191 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln044 | Town | Price history |
| pln074 | Town | Price history |
| pln105 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln150 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln059 | Train | Price history |
| pln024 | Town | Price history |
| pln023 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| pln186 | Classic | Price history |
| pln151 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| soc129 | Sports | Price history |
| pln173 | Creator | Price history |
| pln167 | Creator | Price history |
| twn058 | Seasonal | Price history |
| pln055 | Sports | Price history |
| fmf002 | Town | Price history |
| pln062 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| pln021 | System | Price history |
| pln127 | Town | Price history |
| pln128 | Town | Price history |
| pln126 | Town | Price history |
| soc128 | Sports | Price history |
| pln146 | Creator | Price history |
| pln162 | Creator | Price history |
| pln075 | Town | Price history |
| pln010 | Town | Price history |
| pln100 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln034 | Town | Price history |
| pln077 | Town | Price history |
| cty0155 | Seasonal | Price history |
| pln116 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln158 | Creator | Price history |
| pln149 | Freestyle | Price history |
| pln144 | Freestyle | Price history |
| pln081 | Universal Building Set | Price history |
| pln039 | Town | Price history |
| pln038 | Town | Price history |
| pln109 | Creator | Price history |
| twn095 | Creator | Price history |
| twn083 | Creator | Price history |
| pln172 | LEGO Brand Store | Price history |
| pln166 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| pln148 | Freestyle | Price history |
| soc114 | Sports | Price history |
| pln206 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| edu003 | Educational and Dacta | Price history |
| hol057 | Seasonal | Price history |